Distressed by the Daily News?

Boy there’s just nothing like reading the headlines, or turning on cable TV news, or listening to talk-radio, or clicking on your favorite internet news site to make you feel all warm and happy and peaceful inside.


More likely, we come away thinking, “Man, the world sure is a mess.”

It can take a toll on our soul.  What to do about that?

Avoidance seems to be a popular option.  We could go shopping, escape to a movie, or watch the NFL.  (Well, the last one doesn’t work if you are a Browns fan).

Still, some of us know it is important to be engaged.  But what to do when it all just seems so distressing?

Here is one small idea:  take a careful look at history.  Particularly the history of “news.”

For the past year or so, my local newspaper, the Canton Repository, has been reprinting “A Page from History,” showing the Repository front page from the date in a previous year.  They usually select a day that has some sort of news item that would be interesting to us.  For instance, three recent days featured Vice-President Calvin Coolidge visiting Canton in 1922, how a local sheriff raided an illegal gambling den in 1911, and how Congress was trying to find communists in Hollywood in 1947.

I have this question.  If we were reading the newspaper in 1922 or 1911 or 1947, what would we think about the shape of the world?

Here are the other front page stories from those dates:


October 27, 1922:

Yeah, it's hard to read the fine print, but you get the idea.

Yeah, it’s hard to read the fine print, but you get the idea.

– A minister in Newark, New Jersey is accused of murder

– Five teenagers killed when their car gets hit by a train

– Federal government rules that US ships cannot haul alcohol

– A drunk driver is sentenced to jail

– a local rabbi is sued for divorce

– US ideas are spreading to China

– County post office is robbed

– Local man accused of embezzlement tries to commit suicide

– Local man denies killing his wife

– The city will be purchasing new snow plows


October 28, 1911:

This page is actually not from 1911, but the news is still distressing.

This page is actually not from 1911, but the news is still distressing.

– 19-year old found guilty of murder

– a plot was uncovered to smuggle dynamite from Indiana into Ohio

– war in China

– mayor is accused of corruption

– John D. Rockefeller is sued for illegal business tactics

– Body of a drowned man is discovered

– labor leader is accused of murder

– A pastor is accused of murder

– Local man is accused of abducting a teenager girl

– President Taft, it is reported, has failed to register to vote in his home town


October 29, 1947:

...and this one's from 1948 instead of 1947, but we still worried that communism was going to destroy the world.

…and this one’s from 1948 instead of 1947, but we still worried that communism was going to destroy the world.

– Mayor is accused of firing policemen because they belong to the opposing party

– National hysteria over communism may threaten civil rights

– Men in two small planes are trying to circle the globe

– riots in Paris seem to be provoked by communists

– Free trade agreement signed by US and Britain

– property values and taxes are increasing

– local bus drivers in contract dispute

– Communist officials in election in Denmark lose some support

– Fund-raising is taking place for local community chest


Overall, most of these news stories will not make one feel all warm and happy and peaceful inside.  Maybe the new snowplows, if you are into that sort of thing.

The point, of course is that if you regularly read the newspaper from any time in the past century, it could also make one think, “Man, the world sure is a mess.”  The years above are not even known as particularly tragic years in the 20th century.

Of course, there really is something wrong with the world. These are real stories.

But the news is a funny thing.  It tends to dwell on conflicts, tragedies and evils of the world.

And it does not tend to report other kinds of things.  For instance, imagine some kinds of things the news did not report, in 1922, 1911, 1947 or 2016:


– Yesterday a father in Nashville, Tennessee went out to his backyard and played some ball with his two kids.  They felt loved.

– Neighbors in a village in China yesterday talked with an elderly woman whose husband just died.  She was comforted.

– Nobody in Canada rioted, attempted to take over the military, or shoot a politician yesterday when election results showed the ruling party had lost.  The country moved on in a peaceful transfer of power.

– A small church in Los Angeles reports that a dozen couples in the past year have grown stronger in their marriage and, despite instances of difficulties, have become more dedicated than ever to one another.


If you worked at it, you could imagine hundreds of similar events that take place in our society and in the world that don’t count as “news.”

But why does our news function the way it does?  More on that later.

Great Losers in Recent History

No, this is not a post about long-suffering Cubs fans, who may not be suffering much longer.  That would be a fun blog post, though.

This post is about political losers.  You see, my favorite part of the election season is listening to the loser on election day.


After months and months of campaigning in which candidates tear each other up, declare that the country will completely collapse if the other gets elected, and paint one another with half-truths and misinformation, we finally get to election day.  One of them wins.  And the other loses.

Then comes my favorite part:  the concession speech.

We have this custom in American democracy:  when it is apparent who has won, the loser of an election calls up the winner, has a brief conversation, and then gives a speech.

And what happens in that speech, after all those months of bitter fighting?

Well, consider these excerpts from the concession speeches of our last four presidential losers:

Mitt Romney: one of the Good Losers

Mitt Romney: one of the Good Losers

Mitt Romney’s concession speech, 2012:

“I have just called President Obama to congratulate him on his victory…His supporters and his campaign also deserve congratulations. I wish all of them well, but particularly the president, the first lady and their daughters….This is a time of great challenges for America, and I pray that the president will be successful in guiding our nation…..”




John McCain: An Impressive Loser

John McCain: An Impressive Loser

John McCain’s concession speech, 2008:

“A little while ago, I had the honor of calling Sen. Barack Obama — to congratulate him on being elected the next president of the country that we both love…..In a contest as long and difficult as this campaign has been, his success alone commands my respect for his ability and perseverance. But that he managed to do so by inspiring the hopes of so many millions of Americans, who had once wrongly believed that they had little at stake or little influence in the election of an American president, is something I deeply admire and commend him for achieving.”


John Kerry: Another Good Loser

John Kerry: Another Good Loser

John Kerry’s concession speech, 2004:

“I spoke to President Bush and I offered him and Laura our congratulations on their victory.

We had a good conversation, and we talked about the danger of division in our country and the need — the desperate need for unity, for finding the common ground, coming together.”



Al Gore: As a loser, he might have been almost John Adams-esque.

Al Gore: As a loser, he might have been almost John Adams-esque.

Al Gore, concession speech on December 13, 2000 (after more than a month of electoral controversy):

“Just moments ago, I spoke with George W. Bush and congratulated him on becoming the 43rd president of the United States….I offered to meet with him as soon as possible so that we can start to heal the divisions of the campaign and the contest through which we’ve just passed…I know that many of my supporters are disappointed. I am too. But our disappointment must be overcome by our love of country…And while there will be time enough to debate our continuing differences, now is the time to recognize that that which unites us is greater than that which divides us….”


Two Republicans and two Democrats.

Embedded in their statements are these elements, found in many concession speeches:

1)  They congratulate the winner.

2)  They indicate that both sides need to work for the good of the country.

3)  They mention, or imply, that the system of democracy is more important than their election victory or their political party.

In other words, the concession speech is where we most clearly get politicians articulating elements of the loyal opposition.  And as I have argued, the concept of the loyal opposition is critically important for a healthy democracy.

John McCain’s 2008 speech (which is when I first fell in love with concession speeches) and Al Gore’s 2000 speech are particularly good.  They are worth reading in their entirety and they are not long.

In fact, as I looked these speeches up, (and I could have gone back further in history, but, well, it’s a blog) I gained a level of respect for Al Gore that I did not have before.  I have indicated how many other societies might react to a disputed presidential election like ours in 2000.  Al Gore, however, wonderfully articulated the fundamental principles behind the rule of law, democracy and the loyal opposition.  Consider these other parts of his speech:

“But in one of God’s unforeseen paths, this belatedly broken impasse can point us all to a new common ground, for its very closeness can serve to remind us that we are one people with a shared history and a shared destiny. Indeed, that history gives us many examples of contests as hotly debated, as fiercely fought, with their own challenges to the popular will. Other disputes have dragged on for weeks before reaching resolution. And each time, both the victor and the vanquished have accepted the result peacefully and in a spirit of reconciliation…..While we yet hold and do not yield our opposing beliefs, there is a higher duty than the one we owe to political party. This is America and we put country before party; we will stand together behind our new president.”

These are great points.

(OK, Gore overlooked the 1860 election when the victor and the vanquished both took up arms and five years later we looked around stunned that we had killed 750,000 of our own people).

Still, almost every time in American history both the victor and vanquished have accepted the results peacefully and in a spirit of reconciliation.

I do hope that whoever loses this year’s presidential race will give a concession speech with these elements in it.  It is not guaranteed, for there is such a thing as a bad loser.  And some people lose sight of, or don’t understand the importance of these fundamental principles.  Given the very nasty and bitter comments from both sides in the second debate, I have to confess that I’m not entirely sure either Trump or Clinton would do this.

Still, the final question of the debate on Sunday night, which came from an undecided voter named Karl Becker, got at this issue.  Becker has become something of a folk hero, which shows that many Americans long for a more civil and respectful campaign as we debate our differences. He asked this: “Would either of you name one positive thing that you respect in one another?”

Both Clinton and Trump actually said something positive about each in other.

So there is hope for this year’s concession speech.





Mud-slinging. Does it matter?

If you are like me, you know that in ordinary, daily life, it is very difficult to offer constructive criticism in a civil and respectful manner.  And it is darn near impossible in two areas of American public life:  political elections and anonymous comment sections on the internet.

Granted, there are people, some of them are even creatures called politicians, who are able to disagree in a thoughtful, civil and constructive manner.  But it is very hard, partly because many voters do not pay attention to this kind of discourse.  The temptation to revel in the mudslinging thrown by “our people” is far too alluring to many of us.

On the other hand, political mud-slinging is not just distasteful to many Americans, it tempts many to avoid political engagement as much as possible.  That is another unfortunate consequence.

So, wouldn’t it be great if we could go back to that time when elections weren’t characterize by insults, intentionally misleading characterizations and outright lies about the opposing candidate?

And that time would be…..when?

How about the 1800 election?  In my last post I gave props to John Adams and Thomas Jefferson for how they handled the election.  Good, healthy losing.  Good, healthy winning.

But there was more to that election.  As the first presidential election in which clear factions had formed in competition for the top position, some rather outrageous things were said by politicians and media leaders.  Ordinary people believed a lot of these outrageous things.

For your entertainment and increased understanding of the world, I have a video that catches some of the spirit of the rhetoric from the 1800 election:

Several notes:

1. For the historically gullible among you:  neither the internet nor television actually existed in 1800.

2. The quotes here are edited and taken out of context, but they do reflect the flavor of what was said and some actual phrases that were used.

3. The 1800 election, like all elections, also produced people who gave thoughtful, respectful and constructive criticism.

4. Jefferson and Adams did not actually say these things publicly because candidates did not actually campaign publicly then — they let their supporters campaign for them.  (Hey, wouldn’t that be great?) The mudslinging comments in 1800 were from their supporters. (OK, second thoughts:  maybe we don’t want to put all the political rhetoric in the hands of party supporters.)

My point is that name-calling, false accusations and outright lies have been present since the beginning.  This is not new.

So does mud-slinging matter?

Well, it is protected speech under the Constitution, and rightfully so.  This kind of rhetoric is, on some level, unavoidable, since “men are not angels” as Madison said, (or “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” as Paul said.)

However, that does not mean it is healthy for our society.  It would be better if candidates (and their supporters) could manage to be above all of that. But it is really hard to pull off effectively.  So we have to live with some level unhealthy rhetoric in our society.

Still, not all uncivil language is created equal.

For instance, consider the following campaign posters from Germany between 1929 and 1933.  At that time, Germany was a democracy (known as the Weimar Republic), but it was a fragile democracy.

These campaign posters reveal problems within the political culture of Germany at that time.  Take a good look at the images.



Communist Party, Liste 3:

“An End to this System”







Nazi Party:

“Smash the World Foe, International High Finance”







Social Democrat Party, Liste 1:

“Clear the Way for List 1”







The People’s Party, Liste 6:

“Against Civil War and Inflation!!”





What underlies these forms of political rhetoric?

They are signs that Germany at that time lacked a tradition of a loyal opposition.

To review:  healthy democracies assume that disagreement is legitimate, dissent is a healthy part of society, and political opponents should not be treated as if they are enemies to the nation.

Also this:  citizens recognize that their loyalty to the system of democracy is greater than their loyalty to a particular party or politician.

The lack of a loyal opposition in the Weimar Republic was significant because, as you may know, Hitler was able to take over the whole system in 1933.  That story is often told as if Hitler were some sort of “genius” who was able to dupe a bunch of gullible Germans.  But that analysis misses some critical points about the political culture of the Weimar Republic.

Hitler was a skilled orator and political manipulator, but he was no genius.  He was able to succeed because he took advantage of a number of serious political ailments in the Weimar Republic, ailments that many non-Nazi politicians and political parties also contributed to.

In other words, it would be helpful to consider what sort of ingredients went into the recipe of the Weimar Republic.  What made it possible for a large number of people to accept the Nazis and the communists as legitimate political options?  There were many, but let me list a few on the political discourse side of things.

The cover of Evans' book: Nazi Brown shirts attacking political opponents in the street.

The cover of Evans’ book: Nazi Brown shirts attacking political opponents in the street.

(Shameless plug for the importance of good historians:  If you want to read a fascinating, historically-solid account of how Germany ended up in the hands of the Nazis, I recommend that you read The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans.)

First of all, several political parties in the Weimar Republic intensified a sense that force and violence were valid measures to turn to, under the right circumstances.  Parties actually had their own private para-military units which would intimidate, beat up, shoot and sometimes kill political opponents and supporters.  For the Nazis, these were the Brown Shirts.  Other parties had their own uniformed gangs. Can you imagine Republicans and Democrats with their own uniformed military force, dressed in red and blue shirts, roaming the streets outside of polling places?

But here is my key point:  some forms of rhetoric, images and discussion encouraged many German citizens to accept violence in politics as legitimate.  Take another look at those campaign posters.  Several political parties, particularly the Nazis and the Communists on the extreme right and left, (who together captured 52% of the vote in 1932) did not treat other parties as if they were legitimate.  Even the less extreme parties, like the Social Democrats and People’s Party, were pulled into this kind of campaigning.  Politicians commonly accused opponents as “enemies of the Reich.”

And once you have labeled political opponents as enemies of the nation, it is easier to attach the “enemies” tag to all sort of people.  German Jews, of course, were the most notable victims of this process.

Of course, Hitler was not loyal to the system of democracy.  Neither were the communists.  Hitler exalted himself and his party above the system.  He equated his ideology with the nation of Germany.

There were many other factors that went into the rise of the Nazis.  But political rhetoric was a key part of the process.

Americans (and other stable democracies) can be thankful for a tradition of loyal opposition.  American politicians rarely refer to their opponents as “enemies” of the nation. They do not argue that violence is a legitimate tool to use against their opponents.  That’s the part we do well, without realizing it.

But we need to tend the garden.  What we say and how we say it matters.  There are ways that our rhetoric and discourse can start to slip in unhealthy directions.  Some politicians treat criticism as if it is not just incorrect but illegitimate.  Some people revert to rhetoric that characterizes political opponents as enemies of the nation.  And some people (fortunately they are usually non-politicians without much influence) will speak of violence as if it were an acceptable response to political opponents.

Our challenge?  Rhetoric is a very slippery and difficult substance to assess.  What kinds of rhetoric are constructive forms of dissent and what kinds of rhetoric pull us into unhealthy spaces?  The extremes are easier to identify than the fuzzy places in the middle.

So, let us think carefully, and humbly about what we are saying and how we are saying it.